Monday, 8 November 2010

bomb project

With open day happening in DJCAD this week the IED students all gathered forces and a three day group project took place aka the bomb project. 7 students. 4 years. 3 day. 1 topic.

The brief for the project was to build a building prototype on a topic that we had been given. Our groups topic was ‘learn’. The purpose of the project was to create a 2d or 3d prototype that would reflect the topic without any normally obvious symbols. For example the topic of religion would be associated with a church and therefore symbolised by a cross – our aim was to explain the topic without using obvious ideas.

Our group met on Monday morning – got a huge sheet of paper and got our minds ticking with a mind map. We soon realised that the topic of learn is a rather huge one as you are learning from the second you are born until the minute you die. It is a constant process. After further discussion we worked out that there are also some main points in your life of “education” in which we are learning at school. We worked these out to be birth, post nursery, nursery, primary, secondary, university and life. We discussed the different types of learning at each of these stages and the objects etc used to assist in the learning process as each stage.

Our final idea involved having 7 squares – each representing a stage of our learning process. They started off small (10 cm) and then moved towards the final large square (2meters) to represent birth to final human height. We used the square shape to represent a frame of our lives. Within each square we then added a strip to represent the type of learning. These grew in proportion with the size of the squares.

1 – birth – finger knitting with wool – representing the fragile yet complex nature of birth.

2 – pre nursery - hand print – initial beginning of learning, realising that you are an individual

3 – nursery – intertwined pipe cleaners – showing the first stages of learning through play and experimentation

4 – primary – letters and numbers – the beginning of structured learning in education.

5 – secondary – patchwork of clothes – development of you as an individual and your interests and hobbies.

6 – university – weave of magazines and work – balance between work and life. Showing the impact the surrounding world has on your education and learning process

7 – life – bamboo strips tied together – these represent the final stage of learning is unending, we are always continuing to learn through our experiences. The bamboo is tied together at some points and spread apart at others to show how sometimes it feels like everything is coming together, others not at all.

When the viewer looks through the largest square the whole picture came together representing that our life is always a learning process and will always continue.

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