Bibliography of articles and journals related to The Power of Context. Looking into how the environment and our surroundings have an impact on our personalities and how we react to this.
Bottrell. D, 2009, ‘Dealing with disadvantage: Resilience and the social capital of young people's networks’
This article analyzes how peer and extended networks provide young people with support and resources for dealing with disadvantage. Specific contexts of school and community, the interrelations of social and cultural capital suggest the significance of recognition as a mechanism for differentiation of young people and for effecting marginalization and privilege
Coutts, Glen. & Jokela, Timo, 2008, ‘Art, community and environment : educational perspectives / edited by Glen Coutts and Timo Jokela.’
How art and design can have an effect on the environment and therefore on people and their personalities.
Depue, RA, 2009, ‘Genetic, environmental, and epigenetic factors in the development of personality disturbance’, Development and Psychopathology 21 (4): 1031-1063 Sp. Iss. SI Nov 2009
Investigation of how personality disturbance is presented and defined. This also looks into how our environment can impact a personality and change it for the better or worse, depending on the circumstances.
J. Krivo, L & D.Peterson, R 1996, ‘Disadvantaged neighbourhoods and urban crime’, Social Forces, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 619-648.
Talks about areas of poor poverty and the high levels of crime .Useful for highlighting that some areas are worse hit than others for crime.
Krizan, Zlatan & Suls, Jerry, 2009, ‘Implicit self-esteem in the context of trait models of personality.’ , Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 46, no. 5-6, pp. 659-663, Apr 2009
Discussion centers on the problems and promises of implicit measures as indicators of individual differences in self-esteem and their relation to personality
Leventhal, T & Brooks-Gunn, J 2003, ‘Children and youth neighbourhood context’, American Psychological Society, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 27-31.
Discusses the neighbourhoods in which we are raised and their effects on personality. This in turn could affect how we respond to design.
Melissa J. Marschall, 2004, ‘Race and the City: Neighborhood Context and the Development of Generalized Trust’ , Political Behavior, Vol. 26, No. 2 pp. 125-153
This looks into how context, social interaction, and interracial experiences combine to shape a person and their attitutes. It also reviews how neighbourhoods and interaction impact our development.
Parks, Laura & Guay, Russell P, 2009, ‘Personality, values, and motivation’, Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 675-684, Nov 2009
This is a review the constructs of personality and values, clarifying how they are related and how they are distinct. There is an understanding to motivation with how personality and values have different influences on different motivational processes.
Schittich, Christian, 2002, 'In detail : interior spaces: space, light, materials'
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