Tuesday, 28 September 2010

dundee is going up in the world

tomorrow the opening of the proposals for the v&a dundee is happening tomorrow.
today images of the 6 different buildings was released. As interior design students we all got a little bit excited at this, sharing the links with each other over facebook and discussing which of our buildings was our favourites etc. I had heard that steven holl had designed one of the buildings and so was waiting in anticipation to see his idea. i have to admit, it wasnt my favourite. not at all actually. probably my least favourite if im very honest. ok that sounds a bit harsh. but i just found it very interesting how they have chose 6 very different designs and ideas. im very excited to see which one is actually picked and very happy that it is up to the public to decide. it is for us after all!


Steven Holl�s angular structure
steven holl's design for the v&a museum

glass palace by REX of New York
REX's design - possibly my favourite at the minute

I'm really looking forward to having a look at the plans, designs and models tomorrow - im sure there will be a blog about it too. My mind might change completely....

hello/goodbye september

September is a new beginning for many. people see January as a new start - for me personally Ithink im a september person. back to uni. back to the studio. back to the gym. back to work. back to rowing. back to a my tea addiciton. back to "life."

and... back to my blog.
its been a while.

well i tell a little bit of a lie. i have become very much addicted to blogging over the summer as I set up a new blog this summer - a travel blog. yup, many of you know, I jetted off to Canada this summer and kept many people amused with my goings on and adventures while i was away. I didn't really realise the power of my blog until I stepped off my plane in Glasgow with my friend Ross and was greeted by his granda who instantly said "oh I was reading your blog last night" this shocked me. a lot. it made me wonder who on earth has actually been reading my blog all summer and how many people probably know a lot more about me now than they did before. but there ya go, thats the power of social networking for you!! this was made even more obvious when I started to meet up with friends at uni who asked how my summer was, with a look on the faces that explained that they didn't really need an answer as they had been reading all about it/ new all about it anyway so didn't really need to be told. or when I speak to my friends about different things that happened while i was away, they ask questions about bits of the story I hadnt even told them!
I think this has given me even more motivation to get my design blog up and running more this year. I really want to get into the routine of keeping it up to date with things ive spotted and liked and found inspiring etc! so that is another of my missions for september (as it nears the end) , ive already got back to the gym, im starting back to work tonight and im suffering the blisters from being back to rowing for a few weeks. so heres to the blog.

p.s. my website is also on its way!

preparing myself for world wide web domination at this rate! il be stepping off the plane and have a complete randomer tell them they have been reading my blog next!

blog number 1.


the rucksack house.

would you let your granny live in this?
watch this space....